Innovative wearable technology to detect early warning signs and improve COPD care

Innovative wearable technology to detect early warning signs and improve COPD care

Using digital health insights advances understanding of COPD exacerbations Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a…

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CMS develops new AI algorithm to detect anomalies

CMS develops new AI algorithm to detect anomalies

During LHC Run 3, researchers at the experiment have deployed an innovative machine learning technique that…

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Can your smartwatch help detect heart conditions, stress levels and sleep patterns?

Can your smartwatch help detect heart conditions, stress levels and sleep patterns?

In today’s tech-driven world, wearable devices are emerging as transformative tools in healthcare. From tracking steps…

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Creation of a deep learning algorithm to detect unexpected gravitational wave events

Creation of a deep learning algorithm to detect unexpected gravitational wave events

The gravitational wave signal received at a LIGO detector (orange), overlain by a theoretical predictions from…

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